Interesting Things

This page is a collection of links to pages I have found interesting. It includes articles, GitHub repositories and more.

Utilise Your Career for the Most Positive Impact


80,000 Hours is a nonprofit organisation dedicated to making the most social good out of your career. They give a fantastic insight into philanthropy and long-term career planning. They have a great community and are the reason I decided to donate 3% of my income to highly effective charities.

Must-Read Papers (and Various Resources) on NLP for Social Good


This GitHub repo provides an up-to-date collection of the various applications of Natural Language Processing (NLP) for social good. This is something I'm passionate about, and I implore anyone interested in the subject to look into the papers listed in.

A Visual Guide to the Aztec Pantheon


Iconography has always been a fascinating subject to me. Instead of using letters to express ideas and concepts, iconographs directly make use of visual representations. The Aztecs, in particular, developed a complex system to codify the attributes of their deities. This article breaks down the building blocks of the Aztec iconography and ends with a large collection of 137 Gods and their respective domain. I highly recommend this and all the other incredible articles on

Mental Models: The Best Way to Make Intelligent Decisions


Possibly my favourite article of all time. This blog post breaks down ~100 different ways to think about every situation in life and how best to approach it. The article is dense and takes time to read if you want to process it correctly. I recommend reading it over the span of a week, reading one category of models a day.